Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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230 lines
// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.0 sample file.
// Several match sticks, one burning, and one about to burn.
// By Dan Farmer 1996
// Inspired by an Aladdin Software Security, Inc. advertisement photo
#version 3.0
global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
// Rendering dimensions should be multiples of these values
#declare Width = 9
#declare Height = 10
#declare Aspect = Width/Height
camera {
location <0, 0,-35>
direction <0, 0, 1>
up <0, 1, 0>
right x * Aspect
look_at <0, 0, 0>
angle 41 //45
// Background plane. Didn't use sky_sphere because I want gradient shadows
plane { z, 60
inverse // needed to get camera "outside" plane
pigment { green 0.3 }
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.3 }
// A spotlight glancing off the left corner of the matchsticks
// and highlighting the matchheads
// The light is declared shadowless so that it won't interact with
// the atmosphere or cast shadows on the background
light_source {<-20, 30, -25> color White * 1.5
point_at <10,0,0>
radius 10
falloff 11
// Background lighting (primarily illuminates the backplane)
// The light is declared shadowless so that it won't interact with
// the atmosphere or cast shadows on the background
light_source {<20, 20, 0> color White * 2
point_at <0, 0, 60>
radius 120
falloff 130
// Some haze to make the flame light sources glow
#declare Atmosphere1 = atmosphere {
type 4
samples 30
distance 500
scattering 0.1
aa_level 8
aa_threshold 0.1
jitter 0.1
// Several objects need to light up with the top of the matchstick
// so use a constant so its easier to adjust everything
#declare Match_Height = 14
#declare Match_Stick =
superellipsoid { <0.25, 0.25>
// Underlying texture
texture {
T_Wood10 // light tan for soft match wood
rotate x*90 // align with length of match stick
scale 0.2
normal { bumps 0.3 scale <0.1, 0.2, 0.1> } // roughen the surface
// The waxy coating near the match heads
texture {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[-1.00 Clear ]
[ 0.90 Clear ]
[ 1.00 Black ]
scale <1, Match_Height, 1>
// Match head is just several stacked, scaled blobby spheres
#declare Match_Head =
blob {
threshold 0.15
sphere { <0,Match_Height -1, 0>, 1.00, 1 }
sphere { <0,Match_Height, 0>, 1.40, 1 }
sphere { <0,Match_Height +1, 0>, 1.60, 1 }
sphere { <0,Match_Height +2, 0>, 1.80, 1 }
pigment { Red }
finish { diffuse 0.3 }
normal {
bumps 0.6
scale 0.075
// FadeDst controls the size of the flame element
#declare FadeDst = 1.75 //2
// FadePwr determines spread of the glow
#declare FadePwr = 3.25 //3
// The burning match is rotated after the flame is applied, so
// the flame must first be counter rotated so that it'll still
// be pointing directly upward
#declare Burning_Match_Rotation = <0,0, 10>
// The match flame is an array of light sources. I initially used
// spheres to help me set up the positions and sizes (FadeDst ~= radius)
// Flames are arranged in three columns. The first is the major flame
// on the leftmost (burning) match. The last is the new flame bursting
// from the match next to it, and the center column is just a little
// "fill" between the two.
#declare Flame =
union {
light_source {<0, 14, -1> Red * 0.5 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr * 1.25}
light_source {<0, 12, -1> Red * 1.0 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {<0, 10, -1> Red * 1.2 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {<0, 8, -1> Red * 1.2 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {<0, 6, -1> Orange * 1.3 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {<0, 4, -1> Orange * 1.4 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {<0, 2, -1> Yellow * 1.4 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {<0, 0, -1> Orange * 1.5 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {<0, -0.45,-1> NeonBlue fade_distance 0.75 * FadeDst fade_power 1.5}
light_source {< 2, 3, -1> Orange * 0.8 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr * 1.35}
light_source {< 2, 1, -1> Yellow * 0.8 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {< 4,10, -1> Red * 0.5 fade_distance FadeDst * 0.5 fade_power FadePwr * 2.20}
light_source {< 4, 9, -1> Red * 0.5 fade_distance FadeDst * 0.5 fade_power FadePwr * 2.00}
light_source {< 4, 8, -1> Red * 1.0 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr * 1.66}
light_source {< 4, 6, -1> Orange * 1.0 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr * 1.33}
light_source {< 4, 4, -1> Yellow * 1.0 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
light_source {< 4, 2, -1> Orange * 1.0 fade_distance FadeDst fade_power FadePwr}
rotate Burning_Match_Rotation // counter-rotate for later match rotation
translate y*Match_Height
// Build a complete match
#declare Match =
union {
object { Match_Stick }
object { Match_Head pigment { Red } }
// The burning match applies a new charred texture on the match stick,
// recolors the match head a charred gray,
// and adds the flame. The flame is also dependant on the
// position of the neighboring matchstick so be careful of changing it.
#declare Burning_Match =
union {
object { Match_Stick
texture {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[-1.00 Clear ]
[ 0.80 Clear ]
[ 0.90 BakersChoc ]
[ 1.00 Gray10 ]
scale <1, Match_Height, 1>
object { Match_Head pigment { Gray10 } }
object { Flame }
// This is the match adjacent to the burning one. This match head
// is partially burned. The finish needs to be modified to
// allow for the large amount of light coming from the flames.
#declare Catching_Match =
union {
object { Match_Stick }
object { Match_Head
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[0.60 Red ]
[0.65 Gray40 ]
[0.75 Black ]
turbulence 0.3
rotate -z*15
translate -y*2
scale 4.2
finish { diffuse 0.2 ambient 0.15 brilliance 6 }
// Put all matches together into a union that can be moved around
// as needed
union {
object { Burning_Match
rotate -Burning_Match_Rotation
translate <-14,-8, 0>
object { Catching_Match rotate -y*180 translate <-8,-6, 0> }
object { Match rotate y*90 translate <-4,-3, 0> }
object { Match rotate y*180 translate < 0, 0, 0> }
object { Match rotate -y*90 translate < 4, 3, 0> }
object { Match rotate y*0 translate < 8, 6, 0> }
translate -y*12
translate x*1.5
// Apply the atmosphere down here where its easy to turn on and off
// by simply adding or removing comment marks.
atmosphere { Atmosphere1 }